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Whether you are seeking to momentarily escape the mundane, or to take a contemplative journey into the depths of the human experience, Aaron’s collection of short stories has something for you. Each narrative is carefully crafted to enkindle a flame in your imagination and ignite a spark of curiosity within your soul.

  • Austin Micro Film Fest Award Winner

    In 2021, I made a short film called Mr. Clown Saves a Town. With the help of an amazing cast and crew, I was able to bring together this wacky little story I wrote, co-directed, starred in, and edited.Mr. Clown has screened three times thus far! Each time, hearing people erupt into roars of laughter……

  • The Rains of Ceres-9

    This is a revised version of a story published in Nat-1 LLC’s New Year’s Eve 2024 anthology, Star-Crossed and Other Tales of Intergalactic Love. You can buy the Paperback or Kindle Version of the original story to support independent publishers! A forebodingly dark storm cloud concealed the planet’s surface, looming just beyond the widow of……